Traditional vs. Agile Project Management: Which one to Choose?

Traditional project management emphasizes linear processes, documentation, upfront planning, and prioritization.

What are the benefits of Traditional project management?

1. Reduced costs

Traditional project management is less costly because companies can easily complete projects in less time, with fewer resources, and fewer developers.

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2. Suitable for      remote projects

Traditional projects are smaller and easier, so they are more suitable for remote projects that face communication and geographical hurdles.

3. Clearly defined      objectives

Traditional projects have well-defined objectives that enable team members to know their responsibilities and the project's requirements ahead of time.

4. Clear     documentation

Proper and concise documents standardize the entire process from start to finish while also being a tool for guidance for future projects and initiatives.

5. Greater control

The project manager has most of the control in a traditional setup and almost all changes have to be approved by this individual before they can be implemented.

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Benefits of Agile project management methodology

1. More flexibility

Agile divides the project in short sprints that are both manageable and flexible enough to allow the team to implement changes on short notice.

2. Superior quality      product

Continuous product testing is an integrated part of the project execution phase which means that the overall quality of the final product is superior.

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4. Top quality      product

Agile results in a superior quality product as testing is an integrated part of the project execution phase and all clients and stakeholders are in the loop.

5. Improved      project      predictability

Within the Agile framework, there are greater ways to identify and predict risks and plan to ensure that the project runs smoothly.

Agile or Traditional project management? Find which Project Management methodology suits your project requirements.