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Upcoming Features - ProofHub+

  • WebProofHub+ Slack integration

  • WebProofHub+ Zapier integration

September 2023

  • WebProofHub+Widgets: Presenting you with the adjustable width and height widget controls to customize your dashboard layout. Set these to half or full the way you like, all your choice! Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

August 2023

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

July 2023

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

June 2023

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

May 2023

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

April 2023

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

March 2023

  • MobileShow Fields: Now you can control fields in Board View to get information on selected fields at a glance. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

February 2023

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

January 2023

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

December 2022

  • MobileCustom Fields: Custom Fields are now accessible on mobile app as well!

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

November 2022

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

October 2022

  • WebProofHub+Time logged by resource report: Check this report to discover how much time each resource spent on various tasks. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Custom field report: Keep track of custom fields for numerous projects or task lists in one report.. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

September 2022

  • WebProofHub+Task Completion by resource report: View the details of tasks completed by specific resources filtered by over projects, due dates or completion dates. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

August 2022

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

July 2022

  • WebProofHub+Enhanced reports: The me view projects widget now allows you to filter projects based on status, category, or color. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

April 2022

  • WebProofHub+Introducing Widgets to help you personalize and gain control over the items you see on the Me view. Read more

  • WebProofHub+The all-new Agenda is here to help you save time and quickly access your work items which are overdue, upcoming and the ones you need to work on today. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

March 2022

  • WebProofHub+ProofHub presents "Dark mode" to customize your account as the need be Read more

  • WebProofHub+Improved account personalization with a variety of backgrounds. Read more

  • WebProofHub+UI-UX improvements to increase responsiveness.

  • WebProofHub+Consolidated file properties are available for each file on your account. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

February 2022

  • WebProofHub+Priority custom task field: Define task priority using predefined stages. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Filter enhancements on tasks using pre configured filters.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

January 2022

  • WebProofHub+Flexible CSV Import for tasks. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Time section grid updates.

  • WebProofHub+GUI(single click) enhancements

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

December 2021

  • WebProofHub+Time zone enhancements.

  • WebProofHub+File section updates: Updated and upgraded folder hierarchy view.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

November 2021

  • WebProofHub+Storage section to show projects based on storage (high to low).

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

October 2021

  • WebProofHub+View and manage constraints in Gantt view.

  • WebProofHub+Update multiple tasks & change dates, assignees etc in one step.

  • WebProofHub+Assign role to multiple users in one step.

  • WebProofHub+Sort files based on size, name etc in file section.

  • WebProofHub+Task count as per stage in table view.

  • WebProofHub+Improved chat experience.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

September 2021

  • WebProofHub+Customize working days. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Formulae calculation of custom fields in table view. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

August 2021

  • WebProofHub+ProofHub is now available for use in Turkish Turkish language.

  • WebProofHub+New currency types available in custom task fields. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Revamped daily agenda mails.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

July 2021

  • WebProofHub+Now set baseline and track deviations in ProofHub Gantt charts.

  • WebProofHub+Stickies are now available for use in ProofHub mobile app.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

June 2021

  • WebProofHub+Password security policy: Enable password security policy and allow only strong and secure passwords for your account.  Read more

  • WebProofHub+Custom Fields: Create custom task fields for capturing important task information and ensuring better project management.  Read more

  • WebProofHub+ProofHub is now available in Chinese Dutch language.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

May 2021

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

April 2021

  • WebProofHub+Quickly jot down key information in a dedicated and accessible space with Stickies. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

March 2021

  • WebProofHub+ProofHub is now available in Chinese Chinese (Taiwan) language.

  • WebProofHub+Gantt: Users can now adjust the width of the columns in the left panel.

  • WebProofHub+Gantt: Users can now adjust the separator between Gantt and tasklist section.

  • WebProofHub+Gantt: To highlight the critical path, a toggle button is given on the outside filter area.

  • WebProofHub+Gantt: Cascade changes are now ON by default.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

February 2021

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

January 2021

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

December 2020

  • WebProofHub+My logged time: Users can now see all the time entries logged by them at one place.

  • WebProofHub+Time summary based on grouping is now available in All Time section.

  • WebProofHub+Introducing new permission in custom role that shows all the people in chat 

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

November 2020

  • WebProofHub+Navigate through your tasks faster with a simple way to view your data with the all new Table View. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Introducing a hassle-free way to help you record time data instantly with Global Timer.

  • WebProofHub+Introducing a pop-up alert so you never forget to save the changes you make to your task title and task description.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

October 2020

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

September 2020

  • WebProofHub+Bulk action on time entires: You can now multi-select time to delete, export or change status. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ View the estimated and logged time of tasks and subtasks directly from project overview

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

August 2020

  • WebProofHub+Easily import your Basecamp 3 projects to ProofHub. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Now you can comment on ProofHub announcements directly from the notification email.

  • WebProofHub+We have introduced an improved welcoming process for new sign-ups.

  • WebProofHub+A spotlight feature is added for new sign-ups to get familiarized with the different sections of ProofHub.

  • WebProofHub+Files (jpg, jpeg, gif, png) shared in chats can now be opened directly within ProofHub.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

July 2020

  • WebProofHub+Filters now made more accessible for quick modification of the view options.

  • WebProofHub+Now you can view the added proof comment within the notification email.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

June 2020

  • WebProofHub+Announcements can be easily scheduled for future now. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Project section now has multi-selection with archive and delete options on right click.

  • WebProofHub+Download CSV option is available in people section.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

May 2020

  • WebExperience the new refreshed interface that gives more space to the content and makes it easier to work. From the project menu to the top navigation, everything has been re-thought for productivity and speed.

  • WebClicking projects on Me view, Jump to window or Projects tab now gives you a menu to go to specific tab directly without having to go to the project Overview first.

  • WebAll the project sections including Discussions, List view of Tasks, Notes, Time, etc have been widened to fit the content better.

  • WebProject Overview has been re-designed and cleaned up to make better use of the space.

  • WebWe have re-worked on the Task filters to make it much quicker and easier to set the filter parameters for the tasks.

  • WebYou can now collapse the left panel of project sections for better view of content.

  • WebNew search filter option has been added to Discussion topics, Tasklists, Notebooks list, File folders, Timesheets and People for quick access.

  • WebChat group icon now shows thumbnail of people in the group.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

April 2020

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

March 2020

  • WebProofHub+ProofHub is now available in Polish Polish and Italian Italian languages.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

February 2020

  • MobileNow experience a new user interface and easier navigation in the all-new mobile app (Android and iOS) Read more

  • MobileAdd recurring tasks to not have to add them manually yet and again.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

January 2020

  • WebProofHub+You can now enable or disable project tabs and view only those tabs that you require. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Integration with FreshBooks and FreshBooks Classic. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Integration with QuickBooks. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Now experience a new user interface and easier navigation for Apps/Integrations.

  • MobileYou can now enable or disable project tabs and view only those tabs that you require.

  • MobileYou can now categorize task labels according to projects so that it is easier to find them while adding tasks.

  • MobileSelect from multiple background images and personalize your account.

  • MobileYou can now apply Active and Archive filters to tasks.

  • MobileApply Reopen and Resolve filters for proof comments in files.

  • MobileSet up your own company name, preferences and custom domain.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

December 2019

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

November 2019

  • WebProofHub+Bulk allocation: You can now assign work of one person to another, in bulk, at once. Read more

  • WebProofHub+Storage add-on: Now adding more storage to your ProofHub account is easier than ever. Learn how

  • WebProofHub+Bulk action on tasks: You can now multi-select tasks to delete, move or archive them.

  • WebProofHub+ProofHub is available in German German language.

  • WebProofHub+Choose which task information you want to include while moving or copying tasks or tasklists.

  • WebProofHub+It is even easier to focus on feedback that is not worked upon yet on proofed files with filters for resolved and open comments.

  • WebProofHub+Project-specific task labels: You can now categorize task labels according to projects so that it is easier to find them while adding tasks.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

October 2019

  • WebCopy the updated subscribe URL of ProofHub calendar and replace the old one to keep it synced with Google Calendar and iCal. Know how

  • WebProofHub+Now you can archive or unarchive tasks and access them whenever you want using filters.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

September 2019

  • WebProofHub+ProofHub is now available in French Russian language.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

August 2019

  • WebProofHub+Workload reports: You can now use workload reports to visualize work capacity of your team. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Now visualize the predecessor and successor of dependent tasks in the task detail window. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

July 2019

  • WebProofHub+Now you can @mention people to address them in a comment while you proof a file and thus make feedback more specific.

  • WebProofHub+ Assignees of the dependent task will now get notified when the precedent task is marked complete.

  • WebProofHub+ Now you can see thumbnails of all the other files attached to a note comment and also a task while you are viewing one file so you can quickly switch between them.

  • WebProofHub+ You can also scroll through next and previous files when you are proofing a file whenever you open one.

  • WebBug fix to automatically adjust to Daylight saving time.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

June 2019

  • WebProofHub+ Now each task in ProofHub will have a task ID that will be unique to that particular task. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Email preferences are now enhanced for you to have ultimate control over which email notifications you want to receive and which you do not want to. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

May 2019

  • WebProofHub+ Subscriber stages: Now you can select which particular workflow stages you want each person to be subscribed to. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Now you can add tasks to ProofHub with email-in without having to follow a particular format. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

April 2019

  • WebProofHub+ You can now see a detailed report and a bird’s eye view of all the projects using ProofHub’s default All projects report. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ ProofHub is now available in Portuguese Portuguese, French French, and Spanish Spanish languages.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

March 2019

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

February 2019

  • WebProofHub+ You can now see detailed report of a particular individual or a project of your choice using ProofHub’s default reports. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

January 2019

  • WebProofHub+ Now add description for tasks or subtasks while adding them right from the list view or the board view. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Add a project template from the quick add menu. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ You can now pin announcements to the top, choose to allow commenting on them, and keep subscribers hidden from everyone subscribed to it.

  • WebProofHub+ See tasks of a particular workflow in board view both in yours and others profiles.

  • WebProofHub+ Now apply filter to include or exclude subtasks in My tasks and Everything sections both in list and board view. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ You can now see when emails are not being delivered to a person. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileYou can now record time it takes to get work done using multiple timers and start and stop them as you switch between what you’re working on. Read more

  • MobileYou can now pin announcements to the top, choose to allow commenting on them, and keep subscribers hidden from everyone subscribed to it.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

December 2018

  • WebProofHub+ Now you can add request forms and get your work requests directly added to ProofHub. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileNow you can @mention people to grab their attention. Read more

  • MobileAdd recurring tasks to not have to add them manually yet and again. Read more

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

November 2018

  • WebProofHub+ Now customize your welcome message while adding people. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Multiselect to take group actions in files and people sections. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Get a project’s report quickly right within the project and go to the project from its report in a single click. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Access a project’s report faster from the go to menu. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Now filter activities by project in the All activities section. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Use Ctrl/Cmd+S instead of Ctrl/Cmd+F to find what you’re looking for in ProofHub. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Edit time entries as required while saving them from a timer. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Right click to open a project in a new tab. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Now see the project start or end date in the projects list.Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Choose to use the Enter key either to submit your comment or add a new line. Read more

  • WebProofHub+ Tap on Enter or Tab key to select the person you want to mention in your comments.

  • WebProofHub+ Add timesheets while adding a tasklist or even while adding time from anywhere. Read more

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileNow have a dedicated space to make announcements. Read more

  • MobileIntroduced the all-new clubbed notifications. Read more

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

October 2018

  • WebFinalizing ProofHub+. Read more

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

September 2018

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

August 2018

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

July 2018

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

June 2018

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

May 2018

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

April 2018

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

March 2018

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • WebImproved app UI.

  • MobileManage ProofHub account through mobile app.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

Febuary 2018

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • WebIntroduced Recurring Tasks. Read more

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

January 2018

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

December 2017

  • WebNow create and assign custom project statuses. Read more

  • WebNew filters introduced in different sections for quick sorting. Read more

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

November 2017

  • WebIntroduced file attachments in task and note comments. Read more

  • WebSet date and time format as per your preference. Read more

  • Web'Add' button is introduced in the 'Me' Section to add new tasks. Read more

  • WebIntroduced status filter for 'All Tasks' in 'Everything'. Read more

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

October 2017

  • Web Introduced file sharing in chat. Read more

  • Web New filters introduced in 'Everything' section for quick sorting of time entries. Read more

  • Web Pin to top option in discussion topics introduced. The user can pin to top any topic from add topic/edit topic window.

  • Web Added new starred projects category in left project deck. The starred projects will be displayed at the top of left project deck.

  • Web 12 hours time format introduced. The user will be able to change the format to 12 hours or 24 hours from company preferences.

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileIntroduced file sharing in chat.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

September 2017

  • Web Introducing all new Notes Editor. Read more

  • Web Now user will be able to hide any tab for any custom role from Manage Area section. Read more

  • Web Now the options in ProofHub settings like Company, Custom domain, Preferences and Custom roles will be accessible from within the application.

  • Web Changes in design and ordering of options in Manage settings drop-down.

  • Web Separate access level for files uploaded in Discussions and Tasks.

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • Mobile Now comment from "Timeline" and "Activities" window.

  • Mobile Reorder "Task lists" in the "Task" tab.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

August 2017

  • WebIntroduced inline editing in the application. Now you can edit task title or description, topic name, notebook or note name etc., with a single click. Read more

  • WebNow you can select multiple people at once and add them to any group.

  • WebNow the Active and Drafted workflows are grouped separately in the manage workflows window.

  • WebFixation of bugs.

  • MobileIntroduced "View profile" option. Now you can view the profile of other users by just clicking on their profile picture icon.

  • MobileNow you can assign any project, task, topic, timesheet etc., to the entire group at once.

  • MobileNow the Active and Drafted workflows will be grouped separately in the manage workflows window.

  • MobileImproved the In-app notifications system within the application. Now you can easily view the new notifications even if the in-app notification window is opened.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

July 2017

  • WebYou can now show/hide description and attachments in Board view of Tasks section for the more clear view.

  • WebRefreshed the design of all the pop-up windows.

  • WebNow you don't need to pick filters of your choice every time. Choices will be stored for common filters across all projects.

  • WebRefreshed the design for project Activities and Timeline.

  • WebYou can now find People and Projects easily through search.

  • WebYou can now view tracked time on task from the task detail window.

  • WebVarious bug fixes.

  • MobileIntroduced all new "Me view". You can now view shortcuts, your own activities etc., from Me view.

  • MobileRefreshed the overall design of the app.

  • MobileIntroduced "Push notifications" for all the activities.

  • MobileNow on relaunching the app, you'll land on your last opened screen.

  • MobileYou can now find People and Projects easily through global search.

  • MobileYou can now re-order items in "Quickies" using the drag and drop functionality.

  • MobileRefreshed "Activities" to give you a clear view of all the activities that you've done in the account.

  • MobileImproved navigation within the app.

June 2017

  • WebYou can now bulk import people using CSV.

  • WebNow you can assign any project, task, topic, timesheet etc. to the whole group at once.

  • WebAll the filters in global tabs (All projects view) will get saved automatically.

  • WebProofHub now saves your last view and takes you to the same view on your next login

  • WebBug fixation and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileIntroduced Board view of tasks in the ProofHub mobile.

  • MobileNow you can reuse files uploaded in one project for other projects.

  • MobileAdded "Manage Workflows" option to the navigation bar. So you can easily create custom workflows and add stages to it.

  • MobileNow you can select a folder while uploading files from Tasks or Discussions section.

  • MobileNow you can select multiple people from People tab and delete or suspend them all together.

  • MobileYou can now view the time activity on your files in Files Thumb view.

  • MobileVarious bug fixes.

May 2017

  • WebRefreshed "Me" view to give clear view of your tasks.

  • WebRefreshed "Tasks" and "All tasks" for cleaner task lists and task details.

  • WebRolled out Workflows & boards for new users.

  • WebIntroduced Trash Can for new users. Now, you can easily recover any mistakenly deleted projects, files etc., from Trash.

  • WebIntroduced "Import tasks from CSV" option in the application.

  • WebNow, you can select multiple people from People tab and delete or suspend them all together.

  • WebYou can now view the time activity on your files in Files Thumb view.

  • WebFixes of bugs.

  • MobileIntroduced Chat feature in the mobile app.

  • MobileNow, you can associate workflow with the task list and move tasks between different stages of the workflow.

  • MobileImproved navigation within the app.

  • MobileBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

April 2017

  • WebNow when you export your tasks in CSV, it will also contain the labels added to the tasks in a separate column.

  • WebNow you can also view the logs for anything that’s been added, edited and deleted in your account from ProofHub settings.

  • WebReleased the API of ProofHub Bolt. Available at: https://github.com/ProofHub/api_v3.

  • WebBug fixation and other performance-related enhancements.

  • MobileImproved navigation within the app.

  • MobileAdded the "Copy email-in address" option in Discussions, Tasks, and Files section. So you can easily post comments, add tasks, and upload files via email.

  • MobileNow, you can create new timesheets while making time entries on tasks.

  • MobileTask history option has been added to the context menu of task/subtask. So, you get to know about any changes made to the task/subtask by your team members.

  • MobileYou can now swipe through files while previewing them.

  • MobileBug fixation.

March 2017

  • WebIntroduced Task history in task/subtask context menu. So, now you get to know about any changes made to the task/subtask by your team members.

  • WebAdded the 'Add label' option in the drop-down of assigning labels while adding or editing tasks/subtasks.

  • Webfixes of bugs.

  • WebImproved the overall performance of the application.

  • MobileReleased iOS app and the updated version of Android app for ProofHub Bolt.

February 2017

  • WebCreate new labels and choose any color for them from the same window.

  • WebAdded the ‘Add category’ option in the category drop-down.

  • WebSimplified the design of Add time window.

  • WebNow you get offline connectivity message in the application as and when you've lost internet connectivity.

  • WebNow you receive the actual text in desktop notifications instead of numbers.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

January 2017

  • WebShifted all existing users to new proofing tool.

  • WebIntroduced All files option in Tasks and Discussions section. So, now you can directly upload files in specific folders in Files section.

  • WebNow, you get all the options of file context menu in Discussions and Tasks. You can upload new version, share links with guests, download file etc., directly from Discussions and Tasks.

  • WebYou can now insert tables while posting comments to Discussion topics.

  • WebReply via email - Proof comments. You can now email back to proofing emails to post comments in ProofHub.

  • WebMade some design related enhancements in the application.

  • WebBug fixation and other performance-related enhancements.

December 2016

  • WebStarted rolling out new proofing tool to few of the existing users to collect their feedback.

  • WebNow you can view the time of chat messages.

  • WebFinal round of testing of Kanban boards.

  • WebImproved overall performance of the application.

November 2016

  • WebReleased the new proofing tool for new users.

  • WebIncreased the overall font size in the application.

  • WebSeveral rounds of testing of Kanban boards.

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

October 2016

  • WebFinal round of testing of the new proofing tool.

  • WebWork in progress on Kanban boards.

  • WebImproved overall performance of the application.

September 2016

  • WebChat anywhere within the application by just clicking the user's profile picture icon.

  • WebRedesigned daily agenda emails for a better experience.

  • WebFirst round of testing of kanban boards.

  • WebFinal round of testing of new proofing tool.

  • WebResolved bugs related to in-app notifications.

  • WebImproved performance of overall application.

August 2016

  • WebBug fixes and other performance-related enhancements.

  • WebSimplified the design of My preference window.

  • WebIntroduced preview of images uploaded from DropBox in thumbnail view.

  • WebScaling up of chat window - you can now expand it as per your requirement.

  • WebTesting the newly developed proofing tool.

  • WebKanban boards in last stages of development.

  • WebWorking on introducing Russian language into the application.

July 2016

  • WebShifted all existing users to the new version.

  • WebFixing bugs raised by clients.

  • WebIntroduced “Group your time entries by month” filter in Time section.

  • WebAdded the option to download timesheets in h:m(hours:minutes) format.

  • WebReintroduced proofing comments in discussions.

  • WebChanged label format in application.

  • WebStarted working on the development of new proofing tool.

  • WebStarted working on the development of Kanban boards.

June 2016

  • WebThe all new ProofHub (Code name Bolt) released

  • WebImproved navigation

  • WebRefreshed design

  • WebRefreshed 'Tasks'

  • Web'All Projects Gantt'

  • WebFile versioning

  • WebAbility to 'Star projects'

  • WebNew improved reports

  • WebTimer

  • WebAll new 'Quickies'

  • WebThe all new ‘Me’ view

  • WebManyX speed

May 2016

  • WebReleased beta version of ProofHub Bolt.

  • WebNew Help and Videos have been released. Click here

  • WebFixing the issues reported by beta testers.

  • WebFinal round of testing.

April 2016

  • WebAccepting invites for beta testing of PH bolt.

  • WebPrepared new knowledge base and help content.

  • WebCreated videos.

  • WebSeveral rounds of testing.

  • WebPlanned the smooth migration of users from current version to ProofHub Bolt

March 2016

  • WebMore screens released on Medium. Check out here.

  • WebDevelopment complete.

  • WebFurnished the overall design.

  • WebFull fledged testing rounds begin.

February 2016

  • WebStarted delivering the remaining sections for testing.

  • WebOverall application design is complete.

  • WebTested the developed sections.

  • WebFirst look of Bolt has been released. Check out here.

  • WebFinalized the design of new knowledge base for Bolt.

  • WebStarted pouring content and screenshots into the knowledge base.

January 2016

  • WebFinalizing the plan for remaining sections and revisiting the previous plans one last time.

  • WebTesting the developed sections.

  • WebDesigning remaining sections.

  • WebDeveloping remaining sections.

  • WebPreparing the new knowledge base for Bolt.

  • WebStarted working on tutorial videos.

  • WebContinuing answering questions regarding the Bolt’s deadline.

December 2015

  • WebPlanning remaining sections.

  • WebTesting the developed sections.

  • WebDesigning remaining sections.

  • WebDeveloping remaining sections.

  • WebStarted using the completed sections internally.

  • WebAnswering questions regarding Bolt’s deadline.

November 2015

  • WebStarted delivering the developed sections for testing.

  • WebDesigning remaining sections.

  • WebDeveloping remaining sections.

  • WebPlanning remaining sections.

  • WebStill accepting feature requests.

October 2015

  • WebTrying a few more interface design options along with the new and improved navigation.

  • WebThree-section interface for To-do’s.

  • WebThe whole team agreed upon reducing the number of pop-ups.

  • WebPreparing test cases.

  • WebStill accepting feature requests.

September 2015

  • WebPlanned new features to be included in ProofHub Bolt.

  • WebStarted writing the new code.

  • WebStarted designing the all new, clean and streamlined, interface.

  • WebAccepting feature requests.

September 2015 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebOn hovering over a task in calendar, you can now see the details of that particular task like the name of the list, its start & end date etc.

  • WebNow you can convert a live project into a template. Learn more

  • WebYou can now attach files from your Box & OneDrive account.

August 2015 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebDownload/delete multiple files and folders at once in ProofHub. Learn more

July 2015 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebDo you find the sound of frequent pings too annoying? Now, you can simply mute them by going to ‘My Preferences’ in your ProofHub account.

  • WebNow rename files and folders by simply right-clicking on that particular file/folder. Learn more

  • WebWant to transfer the ownership rights of your ProofHub account? Well, now ProofHub let’s you do it with ease.

  • Web Now preparing invoices and billing clients will be lot easier, with the integration of Freshbooks app in ProofHub. Learn more

  • Web We’ve improved app’s load time and performance by updating our server hardware.

  • WebWe’ve revised our pricing plans to better suit your needs.

June 2015 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebGetting bombarded with ProofHub activity emails? Now get instant notifications for project activities with our all new in-app notifications. Learn more

  • WebNow you can view logs to keep track of anything that has been edited or deleted in your ProofHub account. Learn more

May 2015 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebNow you can manage your projects on the go! The much awaited ProofHub mobile for Android has been rolled out.

  • WebNow you can themify your ProofHub with awesome new themes.

  • WebUse ‘Project templates’ for the projects you repeat time and again, so you don’t need to start from square one each time. Learn more

  • WebNow you can approve files while proofing.

  • WebNow you can see history of changes made to task status on hovering over the task checkbox.

April 2015 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebEmail-in – Add tasks and subtasks to your projects via email. Learn more

  • WebWe’ve refreshed the design, changed the fonts and more for better user experience.

  • WebThe all new “Email notifications for project managers” to stay updated with the project activities and take actions. This includes scenarios like addition or deletion of a person from a project, changing of dates of a project, etc.

  • WebYou can now opt to receive the project progress report via email; daily, weekly or monthly.

March 2015 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebThe “Time” tab now has the filters to refine the results based on person and date range.

Feb 2015 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebThe “All Time” tab is here. Now you can view all the time entries from all your projects on a single screen. Learn more

  • Web Now you can reuse the already uploaded files in your ProofHub.

  • Web The all new “Assign people” for a much better user experience along with the ability to type person’s name for faster project management.

  • Web Now you can mark your timesheets as private to allow access to only selected team members.

Jan 2015 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • Web Now you can add the ‘estimated number of hours’ to tasks and timesheets .

  • Web We’ve added a filter in the “People” section, making it easier for you to search people.

  • Web The layout for “Discussions” has been redesigned for better experience.

  • Web All projects overview is now “Dashboard” showcasing the all new ‘tile view’. Projects are displayed more clearly with options for quick access to different sections.

  • Web Get daily update of all the tasks and milestones that are scheduled for today through the ‘Daily agenda email’. Check “My Preferences” to subscribe. Learn more

  • Web Assign a manager right at the time of creating a project.

  • Web 16 new colors have been introduced, so you can now white label your ProofHub account the way you want.

  • Web Tasks now appear on your project calendar instead of the task count.

  • Web Now, by default, you will see all the tasks assigned to you under the “All To-Do’s”. We call it the ‘me’ view.

  • Web You can now directly jump to “All Projects”, “All To-Do’s”, “All Calendars” right from the Projects’ menu.

  • Web View unassigned tasks along with the assigned ones under the “All To-Do’s”.

  • Web Group your tasks according to the date, project & to-do list under the “All To-Do’s”.

  • Web You can choose the start day of the week on your project calendar from “ProofHub Settings”.

  • Web The look-n-feel of the “Files” section has been enhanced.

  • Web Now roles can also be managed from the “People” section.

Dec 2014 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebYou and your teams can now view the tasks to work on (today, tomorrow, this week and next week) along with the tasks due under the “All To-Do’s”.

  • WebGet a better view of your project’s progress through the all new progress chart on each project’s overview.

  • WebWe’ve revised the project’s overview to bundle the entries and display thumbnails for files allowing you to preview, proof and download files right from the overview.

OCT 2014 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebIntroducing the all new custom roles. Create custom roles for your teammates, clients, vendors, departments, etc with different access levels. Learn more

  • WebEmail-in – Add tasks and subtasks to your projects via email.

SEPT 2014 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebProofHub is now available in German language.

  • WebNow you can reuse the already uploaded files in your ProofHub.

  • WebThe all new “Assign people” for a much better user experience along with the ability to type person’s name for faster project management.

AUG 2014 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebYou can now archive discussion topics, to-do lists and timesheets.

  • WebThe all new Notebooks. ProofHub now lets you create notebooks for your notes.

  • WebAdvanced search – You can now search through all or individual projects.

  • WebApplication speed – ProofHub is now 3 times faster than before.

July 2014 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebReports – See how your projects are progressing in the form of graphs and charts. Learn more

  • WebYou can now adjust dates of all tasks, milestones and events while creating copies of projects.

  • WebChat desktop notifications now show up only when you are not looking at ProofHub or when it is running in the background.

  • WebOwners can now change their username from “Update info” and People tab just like they could earlier for the other people.

  • WebProofing previews – We now display the actual size of files being proofed. This applies to graphics as well as the PDFs.

  • WebReply via email – Task comments. You can now email back to the task emails to post comments.

  • WebEmail-in – Files. You can now grab each folder’s email-in address to upload files via email. Right click the folder under ‘Files’ to copy the address. Learn more

  • WebEmail-in – Discussions. You can now grab each topic’s email-in address to post comments and files via email. Right click the topic under ‘Discussions’ to copy the address. Learn more

  • WebChat desktop notifications now show up in Firefox 29+ and Chrome.

June, 2014 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebYou can now choose from ProofHub Settings if you prefer to see American (m/d/y) or British (d/m/y) date format.

  • WebRevised French language with the translation of new features.

May, 2014 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebProofHub in Polski. ProofHub is now available in Polish.

  • WebFiles – Sub folders. Create sub folders to better organize the files in projects. Learn more.

  • WebNotes can be downloaded in PDF format and can be directly saved under the project’s “Files” tab.

  • WebGroup chat – You can now chat with multiple people and team at once. Create unlimited groups and add as many people as you’d like. Learn more.

  • WebProofHub em Português. ProofHub is now available in Portuguese.

  • WebWe’ve re-built the chat to make it super-smooth and super-fast. No lags, no delays, and messages get delivered everywhere no matter if you are logged in multiple browsers, at multiple locations or on multiple devices.

  • WebProofHub now tells you whenever you lose your internet connection. Turn off your internet to give it a try. ;)

April, 2014 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebExport ProofHub projects. Learn more.

  • WebHeartbleed vulnerability, security patches applied.

  • WebProofHub en Español. ProofHub is now available in Spanish.

  • WebThe all new faster, smoother and better calendar supporting drag & drop, alerts, icons and multi-day recurring events. Learn more.

  • WebEach person under your ProofHub account can now set their own timezone.

  • WebYou and your team can now create single day, multi-day and recurring events.

  • WebTimesheet now shows the sum of time spent grouped by date and person.

March, 2014 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebMarking a task as completed now automatically sets it’s progress as 100%.

  • WebImport your Basecamp Next and Classic projects into ProofHub. Learn more.

  • WebYou and your team can now search for help articles in ProofHub’s Help & Support.

February, 2014 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebYou can now choose if you’d like to see particular to-do lists in the Gantt tab or not. Use “Display list in Gantt chart” while creating the to-do list.

  • WebCompleted tasks also show up now in the Gantt charts.

  • WebSubtasks are displayed in the Gantt charts as well.

  • WebNow you can add subtasks to further divide a task into smaller ones. Each subtask is a real task with assignees, due date, and its own comment thread. Learn more

  • WebYou can now better organize, prioritize and categorize tasks using labels. Use labels to set priorities, status, category, etc.

  • WebYou can now drag-drop to-do lists to re-order them.

January, 2014 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebAny text containing URLs now become hyperlinks automatically.

  • WebTo-do’s now allow you to add title and notes/description for each task using HTML editor.

  • WebYou can now jump to the task from “All To-Do’s” by right clicking, “Go to task”.

  • WebAdding a new project now creates a default to-do list.

  • WebAdding a new project now creates a default timesheet.

  • WebCalendar gets refreshed automatically after adding tasks from the calendar.

  • WebAdding new projects now takes you to the project’s overview tab.

December, 2013 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebYou can now set your preference to receive email notifications for the activities within you projects from immediately, hourly or every 4 hours.

  • WebAll projects calendar is here. View all the tasks and milestones from all of your projects on a single calendar. Go to “All Projects”, click “Calendar”.

  • WebChoose if you’d like to receive a copy of your activities when you add a new comment, task, note, milestone, etc.

November, 2013 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebNow enjoy all the features of ProofHub on your iPad. Create projects, proof files and more just the way you do from your desktop. Access all the collaboration tools you need from tablets as well.

  • WebYou can now view your own or a particular person’s milestones and tasks on the calendar.

  • WebClicking tasks on ‘All Projects’ overview’s upcoming calendar now shows the project name along with the to-do list name.

  • WebSubscribe your own or a particular person’s calendar to external calendars.

  • WebCreate copies of your projects to save time that you’d spend on creating projects from scratch over and over again.

  • WebYou can now create copies of your to-do lists within the same project. Learn more

October, 2013 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebTrack time spent on your tasks. Enable time tracking while creating the to-do list and to track time, click the clock icon in front of the tasks in the to-do list.

  • WebYou can now enter your own value for the time spent in the timesheets instead of selecting from the drop down list. E.g. 3, 1.25, .75

  • WebProofHub in French.

  • WebYou can now view all of your tasks from the projects you are working on in a single view. Go to “All Projects”, click “All To-do’s”. Learn more

  • WebGantt charts displaying schedule dependencies and percent complete indications to represent the phases and activities of your project. Learn more

  • WebCustom tabs and features – Turn on or off the tabs and features from the “Tab Settings” on the top right to suit your needs.

September, 2013 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebOwners can now turn off all email notifications for the entire account and all users from “ProofHub Settings” on the top right.

  • WebRestrict people to access ProofHub from specific IP address(s) only.

  • WebYou can now create private milestones. Private milestones are visible only to the people responsible to complete them.

  • WebWe have re-designed the emails and added the user profile pictures. A new and better collaboration experience!

August, 2013 New Features Releases & Bug fixes

  • WebProfiles icons of the people without a picture now shows random color with the initial of their first name.

  • WebWe’ve added spell checker in all the text editors.

  • WebYou can now invite/add collaborators to the note. Open the note, click manage people (+) icon on the right hand side.

  • WebYou can now create private notes. Private notes are visible only to the people added as collaborators.

  • WebWe’ve added the facility to create private to-do lists. Tasks added to the private to-do lists are visible only to the people responsible to complete them.

  • WebYou can now add tasks directly from the calendar. Clicking the dates on calendar will show you the options to add task or a milestone.

  • WebThe calendar now shows the start and end date of the project.

  • WebYou can now download calendar in iCal and CSV format for the selected and all projects.

  • WebWe have made HTTPS, which provides SSL/TLS encryption, the default protocol for accessing all the ProofHub accounts.

Biggest redesign in ProofHub’s history

  • WebIt’s all about simplicity, minimalism and focus on one thing at a time. We have not only re-designed the screens or changed fonts, but we have re-designed the ProofHub’s overall user experience. Added better set of collaboration tools to make it complete!

Introducing ‘Notes’

  • WebTake notes, create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users.

ProofHub PDFs

  • WebYou can now proof PDF files with ProofHub. Be it a graphic file, a flyer, a content document, etc., ProofHub will make it super easy to take feedback.


  • WebWe’ve cleaned up the design.

  • WebThe weekly calendar now shows the number of to-do’s for the day along with milestones.

  • WebClicking the date on weekly calendar shows the agenda popup listing all the milestones and to-do’s for the day.

  • WebAs a account owner you get to see the current usage of your account including number of projects left, storage space left, etc.


  • WebWith new ProofHub you work and focus on one project at a time.

  • WebWhile adding a project you can also add the start and end of the project.

  • WebWe’ve added filtering in the projects list window making it easy for you to find the projects.

  • WebManage project categories has been moved under the projects list window making it easy for you to manage the categories.

  • WebViewing and managing list of archived projects is super easy now. The option to manage has also been moved under the projects list window.

Project overview

  • WebThe overview now shows the history or what happened in the project and when along with the project’s summary.

  • WebThe project summary includes the start and end date of the project, list of people assigned on the project, milestones and tasks pending, project status, etc.

  • WebA mini profile now appears as you roll the mouse over people assigned to the project showing you the detail of the person along with the number of projects assigned, milestones and task they are currently working on.

  • WebThe weekly calendar now shows the number of to-do’s for the day along with milestones.

  • WebClicking the date on weekly calendar shows the agenda popup listing all the milestones and to-do’s for the day.

Discussions – Previously known as “Projects, Topics & Proofing”

  • WebWe’ve cleaned up the looks for better focus on the discussions.

  • WebThe area on the top of the discussion thread showing the list people subscribed to the top has been re-designed to show 5 people’s picture. To view the full list, roll over the “+” icon.

  • WebWe’ve re-designed how the files attached to the comments appeared before. They are bigger now for better preview, takes less space to show more files and more.

  • WebYou can now attach files from your Dropbox and Google Drive as well.

  • WebIf you wish to upload multiple with the topic or comment, you can now drag drop files from computer.

  • WebYou can collapse the topics panel to get full width view of the discussion for better focus.

Calendar – Previously known as “Milestones”

  • WebYou can collapse the milestones list panel to get full width view of the calendar for better focus.

  • WebThe calendar now shows the number of to-do’s for the day along with milestones.

  • WebClicking the dates on calendar shows the agenda popup listing all the milestones and to-do’s for the day.

  • WebYou can choose to view only milestones, to-do’s or both by clicking on the checkboxes above the calendar.


  • WebAdding task is now super easy wherein you just need to type what is required and press enter. You can now easily jot down multiple tasks over a phone call or on the go in just few seconds.

  • WebReorder your tasks to set priorities simply by dragging and dropping the selected task.

  • WebWe have added new features where you can, not only attach file on tasks, but can discuss and proof them.

  • WebYou can choose to filter your tasks list by person, status, etc

  • WebYou can now download CSV

  • WebWe have also added the most requested feature wherein you can assign tasks to multiple people.

  • WebDated tasks now show up on cal.

  • WebYou can now easily move and copy lists from one project to another.

  • WebMove tasks from one list to another as and when required.

  • WebOur new design shows assigned people on the list.


  • WebWe’ve cleaned up the looks for better focus on the timesheets.

  • WebWe have refined the filters for better grouping of time entries based on people, date, etc.

  • WebAdding the timesheets or time entries now show up in project overview.


  • WebYou can now create and organize files in folders.

  • WebWe’ve added right click menu options on the files.

  • WebYou can now attach files from Dropbox and Google Drive.

  • WebWe’ve added the list and thumb view options to get a better detail and preview of the files.

  • WebYou can drag and drop files from your computer into the files section.

  • WebWe’ve added the facility to copy link of files to share them with people outside ProofHub.

  • WebIf the file was uploaded with a comment or topic, you can directly go to the discussion by right clicking and selecting the discussion it was added to.

  • WebYou can start new discussions on files.

  • WebProof files directly from the files area.

  • WebYou can sort files by date, name, type and size.

  • WebYou can view the file properties including the uploader’s information, date it was uploaded on, etc.

People – Previously known as "Contacts"

  • WebWe have repositioned the previously called "Contacts" tab. It is now available on the right side as People icon.

  • WebWe have redesigned it and made a better view.

  • WebWe have added mini profile wherein admin can view person’s details.

  • WebWe have added chat history link for easy access.

  • WebYou can now easily change group of a person.

  • WebYou can not only manually choose password for users but can also opt to auto generate it.

  • WebYou can now assign projects to persons while adding them.

  • WebWe have changed the looks for better representation of casper mode status.

  • WebCasper name now shows up next to the person’s name.

Mini Profile

  • WebYou can now view person’s details with our newly introduced Mini Profile feature.

  • WebKnow the number of projects, milestones and to-dos a person is assigned on by just hovering over his profile pic.


  • WebSettings screen has undergone most clean up.

  • WebYou can now easily change proofHub colors from Settings, unlike before where this functionality was available under Account.

  • WebSettings tab has now moved to right and has been replaced by an icon.

  • WebUnsubscribe newsletter option is newly introduced under Settings wherein you can unsubscribe yourself from ProofHub drip emails.


  • WebChat history tab has moved from the top header , you can now view chat history from chat window.

  • WebChat History pop up has been redesigned for better experience and your daily chats with a particular person, is grouped into one.

  • WebChat list shows profile pic of the people for easy recognition.

Quickies – Previously known as “Quick Tasks”

  • WebWe have cleaned up the looks so that your personal tasks or things to do are now distinctly visible.


  • WebGetting started

  • WebFeedback

  • WebWhat’s new

  • WebMy profile tab

  • WebProofing

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